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Week 12: Shallow Depth Of Field
Extra Challenge: Focus Across The Frame
* Note: Older browsers may need to be upgraded to support drag-and-drop.
We cannot find the date your photo was taken. You can only submit a photo that was taken during the week of the challenge.
It appears your photo was taken before this week’s challenge!
You can only submit a photo that was taken during the week of the challenge. This is the one rule that unites our entire community.
Week 12: Shallow Depth Of Field
Terrific! Tell us a little about yourself:
You made it! The very last step!
Welcome to the tribe!!
Well, this is strange.
The page you requested does not exist.
They tell me it’s called a
“404 Error.”- Some reasons this might be:
- Someone here at 52F Headquarters screwed up (very possible).
- The page is outdated and has been removed.
- The address (url) wasn’t typed correctly.
- The internet has a vendetta against you and is blocking your every move.