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You can only submit a photo that was taken during the week of the challenge. This is the one rule that unites our entire community.
Welcome to the tribe!!
You can now submit your first week’s challenge: "Week 2: What I Eat"!
To see some helpful tips and tuts for this week’s challenge, click here!
It all starts with one! Don’t overthink it. I’m excited for your 52-week journey!
PS: Join the discussion in our 52Frames Photographers Facebook Group. We are a friendly bunch, drop in and introduce yourself! :)
Happy Shooting!
Just the Facts: You have 7 days to take a photo of a scene portraying “perspective” - lines converging towards a point that conveys depth.
Per·spec·tive - the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.
Or, interestingly: a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
A point of view was my exact thought! Perspective is when you look down a set of train tracks, only to see them converge to a point (but don’t shoot train tracks this week). It’s the way your brain understands depth in a scene.
There are actually many ways to tackle this photo challenge this week. You can borrow a page from “triangular composition” and look for tall buildings, busy highways, or even outstretched hands to get that long triangular perspective.
WATCH: Off the Rails ep. 44 - Shooting 101: "The importance of TRIANGLES" in composition (for patrons)
WATCH: Screencast Critique for Week 49: "Just Breathe" (for patrons)
A great way to exaggerate perspective is shooting with a wide angle lens (or that wide angle setting on your phone!)
You can do an optical illusion and use a wide DoF to have everything in focus and play with “smaller objects” closer to the lens (like a flower as a dress, or someone holding the leaning tower of pisa)
You can opt for creative license and instead depict one’s perspective on a topic or scene; this would be more story-based, as opposed to compositional.
Those BTS (behind the scenes) photos pinned in your comments are a huge help to others who are looking to learn!
As always, please remember the danger of shooting near or on railroad tracks. We will not remove these from the album but we add a warning text to each one. Click here to read more information about the danger of shooting train tracks!
Posting to Socials? Our hashtag of the week is #52Frames_perspective
- Use Leading Lines: Capture roads, pathways, or rail tracks that stretch into the distance to draw viewers into your frame.
- Change Your Angle: Shoot from a high or low vantage point to create unique views that challenge how we normally see the world.
- Reflections: Use mirrors, water, or glass to create optical illusions and add depth to your composition.
- Play With Scale: Position objects close and far to manipulate size and depth, creating an unexpected relationship between subjects.
- Frame Within A Frame: Use windows, arches, or natural elements to add layers and focus attention on the main subject.
- Focus On Vanishing Points: Find scenes where parallel lines converge, giving a sense of infinity or depth to enhance visual storytelling.
- Discover Perspective photography and the various types of perspectives to try and use.
- How focal length affects perspective in photography.
- The use of perspective in landscape photography.
- Master the worm's eye view or practice your high angle street photography.
- Get creative with forced perspective and check out the works of Hugo Suissas and Chris Whitlow.
- 📱 Tips for unique perspectives using your smartphone 📱
- 📱 Shooting with a mobile phone? Check out our "Phone Photographers" Facebook Group.
Looking for more inspiration? Check out our previous albums Shoot From Above (2024), and A Different Angle (2020). And as always, The Googles! Oh you sweet Googles.
Think the Main Challenge alone ain't worthy enough of your photog skillz? Sweet - try adding the EXTRA challenge along with the Main Challenge to showcase your abilities.
This week, we'd like to see your take on Perspective photography and show us some optical illusions.
Do remember, the EC is neither mandatory nor does it enhance your odds of being picked for any 52F honors. It's just an EXTRA challenge for you, if that's something you want to take on in addition to the Main Challenge. We intentionally design the Extra Challenge to be difficult for most, so only take this on if you are looking for an EXTRA challenge. Get it? It's extra. 💖
Photo Credit: Hynek Bakstein - Week 48: Hold a Light (2023)
Remember, you are only submitting ONE photo per week. It is not necessary (and sometimes not possible) to work in this Extra Challenge into your submission. It’s extra challenge!