“ Rabit In The Field ”
We Were At The Caddle Drive,I Found This Little Rabbit Chilling On The Grass. So I Got Some Photos Of Him!
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  • APRIL LAHR Edited 2 years ago

    I like that you got pretty close to the ground to get his/her picture.

    I like that you got pretty close to the ground to get his/her picture.

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  • Liz Hinton Edited 2 years ago

    A great spot and well done for getting the shot before he moved.

    A slightly sharper focus would draw my eye even… more

    A great spot and well done for getting the shot before he moved.

    A slightly sharper focus would draw my eye even more

    however I love that you have caught the light in the rabbit's eye.

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Canon EOS Rebel T4i (EOS 650D) Canon 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM
1/320 f/5.6 800 220


#singlefocalpoint #52FramesColorado #Newbie #Rabit


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