“ The Light At The End of the Tunnel ”
The light has been terrible this week, grey, dull skies and so dark. I have used this local underpass before as a shoot location and thought it worked well for the theme.
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  • Peter Blake Edited 5 years ago

    Fabulous. Great shot.

    Fabulous. Great shot.

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  • Vicki Goldsmith Edited 5 years ago

    Welcome to 52Frames Jill .

    Welcome to 52Frames Jill .

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  • Bryn Lerwill Edited 5 years ago

    I like the way the roof lights still lead you into the photo, .even though they are not straight .

    I like the way the roof lights still lead you into the photo, .even though they are not straight .

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  • Michelle Statler Edited 5 years ago

    Love the textures and grit of the shot

    Love the textures and grit of the shot

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#leadinglines #bllackandwhite #streetphotography #tunnel


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