“ Big Spring ”
I was playing around with the iPhone's long exposure. Just experimenting.

This is Big Spring in Ozark National Scenic Riverways, one of the largest springs in the US. An average daily flow of 286 million gallons of water. Lots of mossy rocks, blue water, and fall color too. I wish I ...
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  • Anne Ambro Edited 5 months ago

    beautiful soft water!!  I may need a new phone...lol

    beautiful soft water!!  I may need a new phone...lol

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  • Karin Lindmark Edited 5 months ago

    So silky, lovely Andrea!

    So silky, lovely Andrea!

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  • Melissa Varkonja Edited 5 months ago

    So pretty Andrea, I love the colours and silky water.

    So pretty Andrea, I love the colours and silky water.

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  • Shae Fazzolari Edited 5 months ago

    Love the water and beautiul colors... a very magical shot!  And you had me until 'lots of bugs and spiders" !  (does sound like if you have to be busy and… more

    Love the water and beautiul colors... a very magical shot!  And you had me until 'lots of bugs and spiders" !  (does sound like if you have to be busy and travelilng for work that you get to go to some interesting places!)

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Apple iPhone 16pro
f/1.8 6.76


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